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About us

Kyrios Suit LLC  It is a company legally incorporated in Texas, USA; the Creator of  Kyrios Suit LLC  is a Colombian Physiotherapist with 18 years of experience in child population care with training in different methodologies recognized in the environment such as: Kangaroo mother plan and early intervention in Neonatal ICU (Canguro Foundation - Colombia) Feldenkrais (Asoc. Mexicana Feldenkrais) Neurodesarrollo by NDT (EBTA), Advanced in Neurodevelopment in Babies, Sensory integration, motor learning and training in movement certified by the NDTA, Mobilization of soft tissues, neuromuscular tape, Therasuit method (USA), Postgraduate in Intervention in the neurodevelopment of the Premature child, Theratogs Method and being the Commercial and Academic Coordinator of Pediasuit where at the same time she is an Instructor of the Pediasuit methodology in Spanish for Latin American countries, she was able to learn more about the needs not only of children but also of parents and therapists.


A Professional who from the beginning in her professional practice has always been restless in providing certain supports or external aids to her patients, encouraging parents to create different experiences, to enhance their treatments, therefore I always seek to train in everything available in this regard. and provide the best advice to the parents of these children.


This Creator named Claudia Gutiérrez , moved to live in the United States and being there away from her professional practice, she spent 3 years dedicated to her children and family, and to supporting the Pediasuit Latin America program in teaching some certification courses in Latin America, in addition to this I dedicate (during the Covid 19 pandemic) to give shape to a dream and project that I had in mind for a long time and it was a posture suit that parents could wear, after doing intensive neurorehabilitation treatments, with skin-friendly materials of children and that they tolerate it for a longer time to be able to use it during their therapies and daily life.


This is how part of the free time in recent years was dedicated to perfecting his invention model, drawing, experimenting with materials, thanks to the opportunity provided in the pandemic and online meetings, he managed to make a team with people he completely trusted, starting for the advice of a well-known brand in intellectual property law who led a group of professionals in industrial design, materials engineer, dressmaking designer, among others, to be able to professionally capture their prototype of posture suit, which being tested by some colleagues Physiotherapists in his country, and once again demonstrate its therapeutic use, it was then when writing a monograph with scientific technical support, technical sheets and ready prototypes, I managed to file the requirements for the patent of  Kyrios Suit  and thus guarantee parents and professionals a quality product.

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